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Enjoying Outdoor

The Impact of Childhood Trauma

Two-thirds of children, nationally, reported at least one traumatic event by age 16 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), with significant numbers of children in New England states experiencing adverse childhood experiences (Sacks and Murphy, 2018).

Learn about the neurobiology of trauma and toxic stress, how it affects staff and student well-being, and best practices for preventing, responding to, and alleviating the effects of trauma.


Univesal Instruction

Updates from the Field

“Prior to C-TLC, I compartmentalized mental health care to the most extreme cases as a special education endeavor. Since my involvement in the project, I now know this is 100% an all level of education approach and there are so many early intervention strategies that can be used with little humans to positively affect their coping strategies and self-regulation strategies for life.”

~2020-2021 C-TLC Fellow

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